Who’s the DynaVap B for?
The DynaVap B dry herb vaporizer (or TED, for Thermal Extraction Device) is a fantastic entry-level vape at an incredible value. This manually controlled one-hitter vape is durable, never needs a charge, and hits like a champ – don’t be fooled by its price! Strong hits are easy and quick with a simplified heat-up ritual.
Neon Colors are here
Add some character to your collection with these spunky Neon Edition DynaVap B vaporizers. Only while supplies last!
Neon Pink : Add some excitement with a playful Pink finish
Neon Green : Make a statement with a bright Lime Green
Neon Blue : Add subtle character with a classic Navy Blue
Easy manual controls
The DynaVap B puts you in full control of the temperature with a torch lighter, without twirling it! Aim the torch anywhere on the cap and wait. The heating element or ‘cap’ clicks once when it’s time to vape and again when it’s done. The simple and effective design takes the guesswork out of lighter-based vaporizers. Heat different sections of the cap for different vaping temperatures, from 300° F to 450° F.
Strong, tasty hits
The DynaVap B’s small bowl packs a tasty punch. Heat near the top for lighter, tastier hits. Heat near the bottom for thicker clouds. This little vape will surprise you!
Instantly ready
Get in and out with a hit anywhere, anytime. The DynaVap B is ready in under ten seconds, and even faster on the second hit.
New look, versatile material
The DynaVap B’s body is made from food-grade silicone that’s easy to maintain and doesn’t get hot. This brilliant design doesn’t need o-rings, won’t roll off the table, keeps the hot tip from touching your table, fits 10mm female glass joints and water pieces, and has adjustable airflow!
Ready to microdose
The DynaVap B is a microdose miracle. Its bowl has one setting that holds around 0.05 grams of dry herbs, but hits with the big boys, with or without a grinder. If you need more, the B is quick to reload and vape again.
Highly efficient
The B’s minuscule bowl and powerful on-demand heat will help you stretch your stash! Extract everything in one or two hits and strong effects.
Itty bitty
The DynaVap B is one of the smallest portable vaporizers we’ve come across, measuring just 3.5” long. It comes in a green plastic tube barely larger than the vape itself.
Never have to charge
DynaVap vaporizers work best with a small butane torch lighter, but will technically work with any heat source. Don’t worry about battery life. Recharging is as simple as a quick refill from a can of butane.
Step up to induction heaters
If you like what you see about DynaVap but don’t want to deal with a torch lighter, consider a Dynatec induction heater like the Apollo 2. They’re bigger than a torch lighter, but are incredibly convenient and consistent. Just insert the tip and let the heater do the rest.
Compatible with the DynaVerse
The DynaVap B is compatible with other DynaVap parts, except the Dynacoil for concentrates and some stashes. The tip mates with other stems – just add o-rings!
Other DynaVap devices
DynaVap M – The DynaVap M has been the mainstay for years. It’s nearly indestructible, feature-rich, and delivers quick, strong sessions anywhere.
VonG – VapCap tapered to mate with 10mm and 14mm glass. The VonG by DynaVap replaced the NonaVong in the DynaVap lineup, but the HydraVong is still available.
Omni – The Omni by DynaVap replaced the OmniVap XL in the DynaVap catalog. It has a redesigned titanium tip, an integrated mouthpiece/condenser tube with adjustable airflow, and a titanium screen, or CCD (Circumferential Compression Diffuser).
All Lightly Used vaporizers are backed by a one-year warranty service directly through Planet Of The Vapes. As with all vaporizers purchased from Planet Of The Vapes, you are also covered by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.